PTA charter
1. | Name, address and date of formation | ||||
1.1 | Our association will be named the “CCS Parent Teacher Association” (referred to as PTA below)。 | ||||
1.2 |
Address: Chan’s Creative School 71 Boundary Street, New Wing Kowloon |
1.3 | Date of formation: 9th October 2002 | ||||
2. | Goals: | ||||
2.1 | Our PTA is formed by Chan’s Creative School (referred to as our school), our parents, principal, teachers and staff, with the following goals: | ||||
2.1.1 | To strengthen communication and partnership among parents, teachers and school. | ||||
2.1.2 | Facilitate exchanges between parents and teachers on children’s growth to enhance their holistic development. | ||||
2.1.3 | Promote 5 hearts’ education: loving, caring, patience, truthfulness and being childlike. | ||||
2.1.4 | Perfect students’ welfare. | ||||
3. | Membership and member rights & obligations | ||||
3.1 | Membership: | ||||
3.1.1 | Parent members: | ||||
A parent or guardian of any current student can become one of our PTA’s “Parent member”, with membership based on each family as a unit.Parents of current P6 students have their “Parent membership” (if that family has no other student enrolled in CCS) automatically changed to “Associate membership” upon students’ graduation, effective till the day before the next membership meeting. Within that period, the fees payable as an associate member will be waived automatically. |
3.1.2 | Faculty members: | ||||
Our current principal and teachers automatically become “Faculty members”. Members who leave our school during or after term ends automatically become “Associate members”, effective till the day before the next membership meeting. Within that period, the fees payable as an associate member will be waived automatically. | |||||
3.1.3 | Associate members: | ||||
Outgoing school supervisor, board directors, principal and teachers can apply or can be invited by our Standing committee to be “Associate members”. | |||||
3.1.4 | Honorary members: | ||||
Directors of our school board are certainly “Honorary members”. Our standing committee has the right to invite community leaders to become “Honorary members” | |||||
3.1.5 | Consultants: | ||||
Our school supervisor and principal are certainly our “Consultants”. | |||||
3.1.6 | Alumni members: | ||||
Our alumni can apply individually to be “Alumni members”. | |||||
3.2 | Membership registration: | ||||
3.2.1 | Whoever qualifies as a “Parent member” or “Faculty member” may apply to be a PTA member. Upon completing an application form and paying membership fees, our standing committee will verify the information submitted and record the membership in the member roster. The applicant then becomes a member. | ||||
3.2.2 | Membership each year is from 1st January to 31st December of that calendar year. | ||||
3.2.3 | Any applicant who successfully becomes a member or renew their membership between the period of 1st September to 31st December, will have their membership start on the day their membership is approved pursuant to 3.2.1, and last until 31st December of the next year. | ||||
3.3 | Rights: | ||||
3.3.1 |
“Parent members” and “Faculty members” enjoy the rights to join our PTA activities, attend membership meetings, raise & debate motions, vote & participate in the election of standing committee members and the right to be elected. “Associate members” and “Honorary members” only enjoy the rights to participate in our activities, but not the aforesaid rights including but not limited to voting & election rights. |
3.4 |
Obligations: |
3.4.1 | Members should support and promote the PTA’s goals (see 2.1) and submit their membership fees within a specified period. If fees are not paid despite reminders, our standing committee has the right to cancel the membership. | ||||
3.5 | Membership fees: | ||||
3.5.1 | Members can pay their annual fees each year or pay a lump sum for all the years stipulated. Anyone who joins and becomes a member in the middle of the year must also pay the annual membership fee | ||||
3.5.2 | 3.5.2. For “parent members”, the annual membership fees are HK$100. Paying one lump sum (i.e. paying for several years of membership until the student’s graduation) means paying only 80% of the total annual fees (e.g. 6 years of fees = HK$100 X 6 X 80% = HK$480) | ||||
3.5.3 | “Associate members”, “Faculty members” and “Honorary members” will enjoy waiver of their membership fees. | ||||
3.5.4 | “Alumni members” pay HK$50 for their permanent membership. | ||||
3.5.5 | Under special circumstances, the standing committee can waive part or all membership fees payable by any member. | ||||
4. | General Assembly: | ||||
4.1 | Our general assembly consists of all “Parent members” and “Faculty members”. It is the highest governing body that makes decisions. |
4.2 | Authority & responsibilities: | ||||
4.2.1 | Formulate PTA’s policies & plans | ||||
4.2.2 | Make and amend the charter | ||||
4.2.3 | Review the working report of standing committee; raise relevant consultations | ||||
4.2.4 | Approve the annual financial settlements | ||||
4.2.5 | Elect members of the standing committee every year | ||||
4.3 | Organization | ||||
4.3.1 | General assembly: | ||||
The general assembly is held by November once every year. The meeting notice, listing the agenda, will be sent in writing to all parent and faculty members. The quorum is 70 people or 10% of the parent & faculty members (whichever is fewer shall prevail). The meeting can only start with sufficient quorum. Any motion will become effective if agreed by over half of the attendees. If there is an equal number of votes for and against a particular motion, the current chairperson can cast the deciding vote. |
4.3.2 | Special meetings: | ||||
For special matters, which are approved by the standing committee, or situations that arise under section 5.12 stated below, or when requested by not fewer than 5% of members, we will hold a special meeting. Its resolution effect is the same as that in a general assembly, with the same regulations. | |||||
4.3.3 | If the general assembly or special meetings cannot be held because of an insufficient quorum, we will pick another date for a make-up meeting within 30 days. If there is no quorum for the make-up. Matters will be settled based on attendees at that time. | ||||
4.3.4 | Any member who is unable to attend the general assembly could use a “Letter of authorization” to authorize another person to attend and vote. The authorized person must be a family person or another member who is qualified to vote. The “Letter of authorization” must be the designated form, which can be obtained from the standing committee. |
Standing committee | |||||
5.1 | We have formed a standing committee. Members of this committee consist of 6 to 12 elected “Parent members” (elected from parent members, see sections 5.5 to 5.7 below for term duration & other details) and up to 12 school-appointed “Faculty members”. They oversee everyday matters, with the following authority and responsibilities: | ||||
5.1.1 | Implement decisions and policies set by the general assembly. | ||||
5.1.2 | Formulate PTA’s policies and plans. Help to organise activities. | ||||
5.1.3 | Draw up budgets and settle financials. | ||||
5.1.4 | Election committee or individual members will carry out or help organise various activities. | ||||
5.1.5 | Chairperson or a representative designated by the standing committee can speak or organise activities on behalf of the PTA only upon approval from the standing committee. | ||||
5.2 | Division of work within the standing committee | ||||
5.2.1 | The following committee members should be chosen in the first, and every subsequent, general assembly for these duties: | ||||
Consultant | : | Served by the school supervisor | |||
and principal to voice opinions and concerns about PTA issues. | |||||
Chairperson | : | One post (served by a parent member) | |||
In charge of holding general assembly & standing committee meetings; leader in implementation of PTA matters. | |||||
Vice-chair | : | One post (served by vice principal or head) | |||
Assists the chairperson in PTA matters and to voice professional opinions. | |||||
Treasurer | : | 2 posts (served by one “parent member” & one “faculty member”) | |||
Handle income & expense accounts, responsible for submitting each year’s financial settlements to the standing committee for discussion, examination by volunteer auditors and approval by the general assembly. | |||||
Secretary | : | 2 posts (served by one “parent member” & one “faculty member”) | |||
Handle minutes of meetings and correspondences. | |||||
News & publishing | : | At least 2 posts (served by at least one “parent member” & one “faculty member”) |
Provide related news, website and publishing matters. | |||||
Membership | : | At least 2 posts (served by at least one “parent member” & one “faculty member”) |
In charge of membership & contacting members, recruiting parents for volunteer work, strengthen links between PTA & parent volunteers. | |||||
Culture & recreation | : | At least 2 posts (served by at least one “parent member” & one “faculty member”) |
In charge of planning, helping & promotion of cultural & recreational activities. | |||||
Alumni membership | : | At least 2 posts (served by at least one “parent member” & one “faculty member”) |
Handle alumni membership matters & contacting alumni, strengthen links between school & alumni, organise, assist & promote alumni activities |
Parent volunteer Co-operation scheme | : | 1 post (served by one “parent member” ) In charge of organising ,contacting and recruiting parents for volunteer work, strengthen links between PTA & parent volunteer. |
5.2.2 | The chairperson cannot hold a concurrent post held by members of the standing committee. Committee members cannot concurrently hold more than 2 posts. | ||||
5.2.3 | As much as possible, the number of parent members should be the same as the number of faculty members in a committee. | ||||
5.3 | After the annual general assembly, the standing committee should quickly hold a first meeting and at least 2 meetings per term afterwards. If the chairperson is absent, the vice chair will take full charge of duties. The quorum for standing committee meetings is at least one half of members in attendance. Meetings can only take place if there is sufficient quorum. Motions raised must be agreed upon by at least half of attending members before becoming resolutions. If the number of votes cast for and against the motion are the same, the chairperson will cast the deciding vote. | ||||
5.4 | If the number of attendees for a standing committee meeting is below the quorum, another date, within the next 14 days, should be set for a make-up meeting. As no quorum is required for the make-up meeting, the attendees on that day will count. | ||||
5.5 | Pursuant to section 5.1, for elected members of the standing committee, parent members will stay for a term of 2 years until the following general assembly. At that time, a new batch of standing committee members will be elected, coupled with the automatic resignation of current members. Each parent member must be re-elected before serving another term. Except for as stated in 5.13 below, each parent member can only be re-elected at most twice (i.e. serving 6 years). | ||||
5.6 | All posts held by parent members can be mutually elected once a year. But a member can be re-elected to the same post at most 3 times (i.e. serving continuously for 4 years) | ||||
5.7 | If parent members are parents of current P6 students (with no other children currently in lower grades at our school), their terms of service will continue until the general assembly held after their children’s graduation | ||||
5.8 | All candidates who fail to be elected as standing committee members in each general assembly will automatically become “reserve members” (1st group), with no limit on numbers. Their duties are to assist and promote assigned PTA affairs, with their term of service from the time of election till new standing committee members are elected. | ||||
5.9 | At the same time, standing committee members can invite former committee members or any parent member to be “reserve members” (2nd group), with no limit.Their duties and terms of service are the same as those “reserve members” (1st group). | ||||
5.10 | All reserve members (1st group) should attend regular standing committee meetings. Unless invited by the chairperson, reserve members cannot request to speak and have no voting rights. The secretary of the standing committee should release the related meeting agenda, records and documents to all reserve members for their review before meeting. | ||||
5.11 | If posts held by parent members are vacated during term of service (including situations as stated in 5.14 below), standing committee members need to elect among reserve members, through a secret ballot in the last meeting, to fill the vacancies. The reserve member who get the most votes will be elected. If the highest number of votes are received by more than one candidate, the current chairperson will cast the deciding vote.The results of the by-election should be released to all members as soon as possible. If the post held by a faculty member is vacated, then our school will appoint another “faculty member” as replacement. | ||||
5.12 | If the number of parent members in the standing committee is lower than the requirement as stated in section 5.1, the chairperson must dissolve the committee at once and call a special meeting in 60 days according to section 4.3.2. Re-elect all parent members based on 5.1. Under these circumstances, the elected committee members will serve the remainder of the term and enjoy one more chance of re-election. | ||||
5.13 | If the remainder of the service term of current standing committee members is less than 6 months, then the provisions of section 5.2 won’t apply. In such cases, the committee shall call for a general assembly in the new academic year as soon as possible. During this period, the current committee will only work on organizing the general assembly and election of new members, unless special situations arise and are agreed to by one of PTA’s consultants and all committee members. | ||||
5.14 | Any standing committee member (including parent member & faculty member) that shows improper personal conduct or is absent from regular committee meetings twice can be relieved of their post through a resolution. Such a resolution can only be passed with the consent of at least four fifths of all committee members. | ||||
5.15 | Any reserve member that shows improper personal conduct can be relieved of their post through a resolution passed by the standing committee. Such a resolution can only be passed with the consent of at least four fifths of all committee members. | ||||
5.16 | Any parent member of the committee who resigns must inform the committee chairperson in writing at least one month in advance. Starting from the effective date of resignation, the committee should publicly inform all members and follow the procedures of section 5.1 for by-election. | ||||
5.17 | Any reserve member who resigns only needs to inform the standing committee chairperson in writing. | ||||
5.18 | The work of standing committee members and reserve members is voluntary. No remuneration or benefits should be derived from any PTA activities. | ||||
Sources of funding, uses and management | |||||
6.1 | Funding sources | ||||
6.1.1 | Applying to government or related organisations for funding every year. | ||||
6.1.2 | Donations. | ||||
6.1.3 | Fees charged for our activities. | ||||
6.1.4 | Annual membership fees. | ||||
6.2 | Uses of funds | ||||
6.2.1 | Expenses for reaching goals of PTA. | ||||
6.2.2 | Operating expenses. | ||||
6.2.3 | For resolutions passed by the general assembly or standing committee. | ||||
6.3 | Management of funds | ||||
6.3.1 | Each year, the standing committee should review and amend the membership fees, if necessary. Implement upon passage of amendment in the annual general assembly. | ||||
6.3.2 | We manage our funds based on the principles of spending within our means and breaking even. | ||||
6.3.3 | Our fiscal year starts on 1st August and ends on 31st July next year. | ||||
6.3.4 | Funds can be used to further PTA affairs and cover related expenses. If a single expense item costs over HK$20,000, the consent of at least 3/4 of all current standing committee members is required before spending. | ||||
6.3.5 | The standing committee is authorised to pass resolutions that allow PTA funds for school use, scholarships, awards or other related uses. Our school principal is authorised to use these funds according to funding purposes. | ||||
6.3.6 | The treasurer is charged to manage the income and expenses of current operations. All signed receipts are valid. The treasurer will deposit all funds received into designated bank accounts and pay every expense authorised by the standing committee. | ||||
6.3.7 | PTA issued cheques are managed by 4 members, divided into 2 groups: one group is the “parent members” and the other the “faculty members”. Cheques need to be signed jointly by one member from each group and stamped with the PTA seal (by a faculty member in charge) to be effective. xIn special situations, the standing committee is authorised to appoint a “stepped down parent member” to replace a “parent member” and sign cheques issued by the PTA. Such appointments are only effective if passed with consent from at least 4/5 of all committee members and one consultant. Furthermore, such appointments cannot last longer than a year and are not renewable (whether it is the same“stepped down parent member” or not) |
6.3.8 | The treasurer needs to report on PTA’s financial situation in every standing committee meeting and submit every fiscal year’s income & expense statements for discussion. These will be sent to the general assembly for passage, upon review, by voluntary auditors. | ||||
Volunteer legal consultant & volunteer auditor | |||||
7.1 | We invite a legal professional or organisation to act as our volunteer legal consultant; also, an accounting professional or organisation as volunteer auditor to examine accounts of the PTA. | ||||
Membership registration & withdrawal | |||||
8.1 | The family of each current student, regardless of the number of children attending CCS, can only register one parent as “parent member”. Parent should fill in the required information on the application and inform the standing committee of any amendments in writing. | ||||
8.2 | Anyone who withdraws their membership will automatically lose benefits and all qualifications. All paid fees are non-refundable. | ||||
Disbandment | |||||
9.1 | Pursuant to 9.2 and 9.3 blow, our school board is authorised to disband the PTA. | ||||
9.2 | If over 3/4 of members vote in the general assembly or special meeting and agree, they can raise a motion for the school board to disband the PTA. | ||||
9.3 | If the PTA is thought by the school board to be against formerly set goals, the board is authorised to disband the PTA. A special general assembly will be called and consulted before disbandment. The results of consultation are for reference only and will not constrain any final decisions made by the board. | ||||
9.4 | The general assembly can authorise the standing committee to disband the PTA, or the school board can appoint a “special committee” to do so. All the funds will be used to pay off legal debts, with the balance of funds and assets handled by the school board. | ||||
Charter amendment | |||||
10.1 | Amending our charter requires raising a motion to the standing committee. If the motion is passed, it will be forwarded to the general assembly for discussion. It will be implemented upon passage by the general assembly pursuant to the aforesaid 4.3.1 | ||||
The current, amended charter was confirmed by the 15th PTA general assembly held at the current address on 9th November 2018, signed and stamped with our seal by the 15th chairperson of the standing committee. |
The above is certified by
Mr. WK Lau
15th Chairman of standing committee, PTA