Message from the PTA chairman

Praise the Lord! Thanks to the trust and love of Chan’s Creative School and all committees, I’m able to take the role of the Chairman of the 17th (2022-2023) Parent-Teacher Association. With the guidance of Jesus Christ, I will be a humble servant leader, and join hands with everyone to unite the caring atmosphere in the school and continue the spirit of the five-heart education of the School.
CCS PTA has a great milestone of the last 17 years. I’m blessing enough in witnessing the efforts of all PTA members serving the school wholeheartedly in the past 4 years. Especially in the year of 2022 when the COVID epidemic continued to ease, PTA held more than 10 projects including a series of workshops such as the Forest Adventure in Classroom that makes children cherish nature and co-organized with The Conservancy Association, Family Fun day tailored for us by Chun Kit Development Association, the Positive Thinking Seminar, the Family Fitness Diary and so forth.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks here as PTA can develop smoothly and successfully rely on all devoted support from various parties including Principal Chan, PTA committees, teaching staffs, parent volunteers, past chairpersons and committee members. We can’t succeed without all your contribution. Every drop of advice and feedback count.
" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.." Philippians 4:13
In this and coming school year, we will continue the momentum to organize more diversified activities, leverage home and school as a bridge of communication, and through close ties, we will work together to create a healthy and harmonious learning atmosphere in accompanying our children to grow in CCS.
May God bless you all and your family.
Chairlady of the 17th (2022-2023) Parent-Teacher Association
Mrs. Peggy Lum