
Curriculum features>Subjects>Library section

Library section

Reading is a source of wisdom and books are our best companions.

At school, we promote a reading culture to encourage students to read widely, broaden their horizons, enhance their thinking and improve their standards of Chinese and English. During reading periods, teachers guide students how to use a library properly, inform about various kinds of books and learn through reading.

We have a quality collection of books in the library, classrooms and various bookshelves around campus. Students find it convenient to read and develop good reading habits. We also hold various activities and competitions, set up prize and award schemes to encourage students to read for fun, learn through reading widely and form excellent reading habits.


Reading award scheme

Many students actively join the reading award scheme every year. Guided by teachers, they learn about many quality books, learn to read and love reading.

Library activities

To actively promote a reading culture, our library holds various kinds of activities that are popular among students. Such activities include “exhibit of themed books”, “Good books to recommend”, “Heifer reading to help others donation”, “environmental protection”, “Best stories”, etc.

Group reading parent volunteers program

During group reading periods each week, all teachers and students are into reading.

We arrange parent volunteers to read stories to students in lower grades and recommend good books to senior students. Volunteers also accompany individual students to read.

CCS reading month activities

In conjunction with 23rd April, World reading day, CCS has set up the reading month with various activities that add fun to students’ reading.