We believe that English is not only a core subject but more importantly, it is a medium of communication in CCS and around the world. To start, learning has to be fun, interesting and meaningful. In CCS, we let children enjoy a lot of fun activities as they acquire the language.
In Primary One, they are freshmen from the class of K3, so we let them enjoy the honeymoon period of no dictation. The key message here is not to race in the starting point but to end strong as they graduate and compete against the rest of HK. These youngest of CCS will love the speech and drama training as they use the language to perform both on stage and in the classrooms. Show and Tell will be another opportunity for them to stand alone in front of the class and present.
These little ones will grasp their reading strategies using phonics skills. With three intense years of phonetic training, they will be reading on their own and enjoying the Learning to Read phase. NETs will share their storytelling skills during classes.
During recess, the children can go freely into the English Room and play games with the NETs. It is a room filled with the students’ great work and fun games to attract children to use English in a natural way.
During recess or lunch hours, NETs will arrange the popular live Radio Show for students to chat about their topics of interest. It is a relaxing live broadcast for students to gain confidence.
The more they read, the better their writing skills. A set of online reading programme and take home reading will allow them to read anywhere anytime.
We also practice Shared and Guided Reading in small groups and as a class with NETs. We appreciate individual differences so we levelled students’ reading level and assign them with books that are appropriate for each individual. Different genres are sourced and promoted to attract students’ interest in reading.
Phonics programme
- An intensive three-year programme that helps students in learning phonics for fluent reading and spelling
Reading programme
- Each student’s reading skill is levelled and assigned books accordingly
- Take home reading and online reading programme
- Practice silent reading and reading aloud skills
- Uses speech and drama to appreciate the language
- NETs help them to use English in a fun way during recess
- NETs arrange extra curricular activities for students to use English in a meaningful way
- Shared writing programme to learn the important steps in writing
- Creative Writing workshops to unleash their creativity in writing
CCS Newsletter
- Good and fun works are published for encouragement and praise
Radio Show
- Live broadcast of radio broadcast by NETs and students of all levels
English Assembly
- NETs will share moral and cultural topics for students to appreciate the cultural differences and the moral understanding in society
Show and Tell
- Students present a topic in English to the whole class to build confidence and in turn, learn to appreciate efforts made by others
Speech and drama training
- Speech and drama training is a fun way to enjoy the intonation and pronunciation of the English language
Story telling
- NETs will demonstrate storytelling to the students which will help them enjoy reading books and to be more engaged in their comprehension when they read to themselves or as they read aloud
English books promotion
- Different genres and good books are promoted to students to attract them read more
English Room
- A place where English reading books and fun English games are freely used by students with NETs
- During this time, students may approach NETs casually to chat and play
Secondary interview group discussion
- As students approach their final years, they are prepared for their secondary school interviews through group discussions and individual presentations